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3D Printing Equipment and Additive Manufacturing Service Manufacturer SANDI Technology, a National Specialized, Specialized and New "Small Giant" Enterprise, Approved

Release time:September 9, 2024

On September 2, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of the sixth batch of national specialized, special and new "small giants" enterprises. (hereinafter referred to as "SANDI") was successfully approved as a national specialized, special and new "small giant" enterprise by virtue of its innovation and scientific and technological strength.

"Specialized, Specialized and New" refers to small and medium-sized enterprises with specialization, refinement, features and outstanding innovation ability, while national specialized, specialized and new "small giants" enterprises are the tip of the pyramid of the high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises gradient cultivation system constructed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and are the best among the "specialized, specialized and new" small and medium-sized enterprises. They are the best among the "specialized, special and new" SMEs, and are the leading enterprises focusing on niche markets, with strong innovation ability, high market share, mastery of key core technologies, and excellent quality and efficiency. This award is a full affirmation and recognition of the company's overall R&D and innovation strength, product and service capabilities, and contribution to promoting industrial upgrading.

As a 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing service provider, SANDI Technology focuses on 3D printing and services, is one of the leading companies in binder jet printing, and also owns laser and binder jet 3D printing equipment and material technology and application process, the business covers the research and development and production of 3D printing equipment, raw materials, rapid manufacturing services for finished metal parts, and technical support services for 3D printing process, etc.,. The company has established a complete 3D printing rapid manufacturing industry chain, which is widely used in aerospace, ship pumps and valves, automotive, energy power, industrial machinery, rail transportation, 3C electronics, education and scientific research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical care and other industries.

Based on the independent core technology of 3D printing equipment, materials and processes, the company actively promotes the industrialization and scale application of 3D printing, empowers manufacturing with 3D science and technology (3D empowerment), through the merger and acquisition of foundries, to open up the "3D printing + casting" process, the formation of a replicable demonstration model, to help the traditional foundry transformation and upgrading, and realize the green, intelligent, high-end casting; binder jet printing technology applied to enhance the powder injection molding to achieve moldless rapid batch manufacturing, to help the industry improve quality and efficiency. Green, intelligent, high-end casting; binder jet printing technology applied to enhance the powder injection molding, moldless rapid batch manufacturing, helping the industry to improve quality and efficiency.
The company adheres to technological innovation as the core driving force, the leading product binder jet (3DP/BJ) 3D printing equipment and services, based on the core technology of binder jet molding, the use of high-speed and high-precision jet control technology, high densities of powder bed spreading technology, combined with self-developed special high-performance binder, which can realize high-quality, high-efficiency, high-precision, automation, batch manufacturing, the technical level of international The technical level is up to the international first-tier level. The company has successively completed the development of binder jet (3DP/BJ) 3D printing equipment such as 3DPTEK-J160R/J400P/J800P, 3DPTEK-J1600Pro/J1600PLus/J1800/J2100/J4000. At the same time, the company has conducted in-depth research in the development of material system formulations, molding process optimization, product performance enhancement, etc., and has successfully researched and launched 5 series of water-based binder and organic solvent binder formulations for more than 20 types of base materials, including iron-based alloys, light metal alloys, ceramics, etc., as well as nearly 30 types of binder jet process formulations, and has the ability to independently design binder formulations, which is able to meet the user's needs. We have the ability to design binder formulations independently, which can satisfy the users' demand for customized binder development for new materials and new applications, and fill the gaps in the field of domestic binder.

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