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Tencent Financial "Choice": Neusoft Chairman Liu Jiren Dialogues with Zong Guisheng, Chairman of SanDi Printing Technology

Release time:July 14, 2015

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Conversation with Entrepreneur I: Zong Guisheng, Chairman of the Board, SANDI Printing Technology Co.

Zong Guisheng: As a student out of entrepreneurship, including some from the teacher now retired to start their own business, will encounter some views, in the face of these various arguments and views, how did you deal with it?

Liu Jiren: At that time in fact should be very entangled. The school called me general manager, I went back at night because of this can not sleep. But I later figured out that you live for your own dreams? Or for others? In the beginning, you want to get everyone's applause too much, you may lose the goal of struggle; and you stick to the goal of struggle, if you go well, then you will also get (applause) in the future. So I think it's more important to love yourself and your dreams than to love others.

Zong Guisheng: So it's important to have a firm, clear goal to rush towards, and leave the rest alone?

Liu Jiren: Yes.

Zong Guisheng: The core technology of the third industrial revolution is ICT technology, that is, information and communication technology. I've noticed that Neusoft has a lot of solutions in manufacturing, and now there's not yet, for example, like an MIS system. Isn't it an appropriate time that we should start to have our own national system?

Liu Jiren: It will have two parts in the future. One is an information technology system for knowledge-based manufacturing. I think China's manufacturing enterprises in the past is very remarkable, to control this cost so low, which has a lot to do with their use of a lot of information technology in the past 20 years. How can manufacturing and communications, software and other IT can be combined to enhance its added value, and the space for this, I think, is still just beginning. For example, how can we have robots for home care at home? Then this one has technology for recognition and communication; it has assistive technology, it might help the elderly to come to the police, and this one is artificial intelligence, large-scale big data and cloud computing. So I think this must be a new beginning. Germany called "Industry 4.0", China called "Internet +", heralding a cross-border integration, the integration of technology, is a trend of future development. (Source: Tencent Finance "Choice")

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