


Components for motors, spacecraft structures, power units, etc.
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Through the "3D casting" technology to provide aerospace users with engine parts, spacecraft structural components, power units and other important parts, can greatly shorten the development cycle of new aerospace products, reduce production costs, ensure the quality of production, and improve the casting yield rate.


Difficulty:Large-size, thin-walled complex structures, high molding costs and long lead times

Solution:One-piece molding of large-sized products through splicing using the SLS wax investment casting process.

Complex structural parts for power components

Complex structural components

Difficulty:A single process can not meet the complex oil circuit sand printing, casting before the return to the temperature process is easy to deformation, lack of strength, casting is easy to cause punch off;

Solution:The combined sand mold manufacturing of "SLS coated sand molding process + 3DP resin sand molding process" has realized the integrated casting molding of complex structural parts (large, thin-walled, small pipelines, etc.) with high precision and high strength. This process has been selected as a typical application scenario of additive manufacturing by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


Sales Hotline: 13811566237
After-sales: 010-84638842-1011/15810501182
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